William Faulkner: diferència entre les revisions

Contingut suprimit Contingut afegit
Línia 50:
| idioma = anglès
| refs = <ref name=SoundFury />
| cita = Ell tenia una paraula, també. Amor, en deia. Però jo havia estat acostumat a les paraules durant molt temps. Sabia que aquella paraula era com les altres: una silueta que omplia una mancança; que quan el moment indicat arribés, no necessitaries una paraula si no fós per por o orgull.
| autor =
| lloc = As I Lay Dying
| data = 1930
| notes =
| original = He had a word, too. Love, he called it. But I had been used to words for a long time. I knew that that word was like the others: just a shape to fill a lack; that when the right time came, you wouldn't need a word for that anymore than for pride or fear.
| idioma = anglès
| refs = <ref>{{ref-llibre|cognom=Priddy|nom=Anna|títol=Bloom's How to Write about William Faulkner|editorial=Infobase Publishing|any=2009|isbn=9781438126517|url=https://books.google.es/books?id=rDJYYFhuZRkC&pg=PA104&dq=He+had+a+word,+too.+Love,+he+called+it.+But+I+had+been+used+to+words+for+a+long+time.+I+knew+that+that+word+was+like+the+others:+just+a+shape+to+fill+a+lack%3B+that+when+the+right+time+came,+you+wouldn%27t+need+a+word+for+that+anymore+than+for+pride+or+fear.&hl=en&sa=X&ei=0haIVaayC8HbU8D6grAL&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=He%20had%20a%20word%2C%20too.%20Love%2C%20he%20called%20it.%20But%20I%20had%20been%20used%20to%20words%20for%20a%20long%20time.%20I%20knew%20that%20that%20word%20was%20like%20the%20others%3A%20just%20a%20shape%20to%20fill%20a%20lack%3B%20that%20when%20the%20right%20time%20came%2C%20you%20wouldn%27t%20need%20a%20word%20for%20that%20anymore%20than%20for%20pride%20or%20fear.&f=false}}</ref>