Stephen Hawking: diferència entre les revisions

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Línia 10:
== Cites ==
| cita = M'he adonat que fins i tot les persones que afirmen que tot està predeterminat i que no podem fer res per canviar-ho, miren abans de creuar el carrer.
| lloc = ''Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays''
| data = 1994
| notes =
| original = I have noticed that even people who claim everything is predetermined and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.
| idioma = anglès
| refs = <ref name="huffi" />
| cita = No tan sols Déu juga als [[dau|daus]], sino també de vegades ens confon llençant-los allà on no poden ser vistos.
| lloc = ''Does God Play Dice''
| data = 1999
| notes =
| original = Not only does God definitely play dice, but He sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can't be seen.
| idioma = anglès
| refs = <ref name="hawking" />
| cita = Limitar la nostra atenció a qüestions terrestres seria limitar l'esperit humà.
Linha 101 ⟶ 119:
== Referències ==
<ref name="hawking">{{Citar web |títol=Public Lectures |url= |obra=Stephen Hawking Official Website |lloc=Cambridge |editor=Head of Media Relations at Cambridge University |data= |consulta=21 gener 2013}}</ref>
<ref name="huffi">{{Citar web |títol=Stephen Hawking Quotes In Spotlight As Famous Physicist Celebrates 71st Birthday (PHOTOS) |url= |obra=The Huffington Post |lloc= |editor=, Inc |data=8 de gener de 2013 |consulta=21 gener 2013}}</ref>
== Enllaços externs ==
* [ Stephen Hawking Official Website] {{en}}